Kissing Santa 7- Finale

Part seven (Finale)

Zoey reached her arms up high while arching her back and stilled herself, breathing steadily so that she wouldn’t move. Then she bent slowly and touched her toes like the video game instructed her to do. When she was told to return to her normal position she did so and waited eagerly for her ‘score’. She thought she had done a great job on that last yoga pose and was poised to get a near perfect score.
When the results flashed upon the screen she was thunderstruck. “Seventy two percent?!” She moaned. “Are you kidding me?!” Her voice rose with each word.

She sighed and stepped off of the balance board with a huff. “There is something wrong with your Wii, I swear.” she told her mother.

Abbey looked up from the file she was reading and sat it beside of her. “It tells me that I’m a yoga master.” Abbey gloated. “I think it is a fine Wii.”

Zoey frowned and threw the remote control onto the couch next to her mother. “Whatever!” She said defiantly. Zoey, much like her father hated to lose, and the game that she was playing was certainly not making her out to be the winner she had hoped. “This is ridiculous.” She fumed. “First it tells me that my fit age is 48, now this!”
She plopped herself down onto the couch and Abbey smiled. “Let me do it.” she said and grabbed the Wii remote and stood.

Zoey rolled her eyes “That’s just great mom, add insult to my injury. I am gonna kick Liz’s ass for buying this piece of crap.” She frowned when her mother stepped onto the balance board with skilled ease and stood with a perfect form. Her mother made a great many things look easy.

Abbey moved her Wii remote on the screen before her and chose her little Mii so that she could perform the exercises that she had grown accustomed to since she and Jed got the Wii. She chose her first yoga exercise, which was called the Sun Salutation, and consisted of her standing up straight, stretching her arms up high, then bending down to touch her toes, and straightening back up again. This, she did almost perfectly, and three times before being instructed by the game to relax and wait for her results.

Zoey watched. “You’re so gonna fail.” she told her mother. “Because your Wii, it sucks.”

Abbey glared at her quickly and rolled her eyes as her score flashed upon the screen. “Ha!” she exclaimed. “97 points!” Abbey said.

Zoey clenched her jaw when the game trainer told her mother that she was a yoga master and praised her further, ’ “Excellent Balance! Your form was also impressive.” ’ Zoey was astonished that her mother was more flexible than herself. “This is a freaking joke!” She laid her head onto the back of the couch as her mother moved on to the next exercise of her choosing.

The game was informing Abbey that the ’Warrior’ pose would strengthen her hip flexors when Jed strolled in. He read what Abbey’s ‘instructor’ was telling her and laughed aloud. “Hey,” he said, “I like to think that I am the one that strengthens your hip flexors, babe.”

Zoey groaned aloud. “Ewww! Dad!”

“You do.” Abbey cooed as Jed approached her with a grin. He kissed her on her lips and Abbey laughed. “Zoey says our Wii is broken…or something.”

“Works fine for me.” Jed said, slipping his arms around Abbey’s waist and hugging her.

“Me too.” Abbey agreed. Jed slipped away from her and sat next to Zoey on the couch.

“Maybe you’re just not on your game today Zoey.” Jed assured his daughter. He watched Abbey move on to her next move; the ‘Triangle’. This consisted of Abbey bending on one leg and holding the ankle of the other for several seconds. This, Jed admired very much. “But mom is…” Jed muttered. He couldn’t believe how sexy Abbey looked while she was playing a video game. “Very nice, Abbey.” he growled.

“Ouch.” she whined in response. “It doesn’t feel nice.” When she finally stood, she was again rewarded with a ‘Yoga Master’ score. After she stepped from the machine she stretched her weary muscles. “That one hurts a bit.”

“That means you’re not flexible enough, mom.” Zoey said. “Let me try it.”

“Be my guest.” Abbey smirked, finding it amusing that her daughter was trying to compete with her. Abbey collapsed on the couch next to Jed and he grinned while sliding his arm around her. “Hi.” she said softly as he bent to kiss her.

“Hi there.” he said. Watching Abbey bending and moving with the game had turned him on. Abbey was such a beautiful woman, and anything that she did physically turned her husband on. “You’re getting pretty good at those games, you know. I think Zoey’s a little jealous.”

Abbey smiled. “Yeah, she’s also been in a bad mood all damn day too.”

“Why, now?” Jed asked, smiling.

“I think she’s just anxious about Christmas.” Abbey muttered to Jed. “She asked for a lot of high-priced items, and she has been dressing a little more chic and acting like more of a First daughter than herself lately.”

Abbey was interrupted when Zoey cussed at her latest Wii score. “Seventy-nine!” she whined. “You have got to be kidding me!”

Jed held back his laughter at his daughters’s frustration. She truly was just as competitive as he was, though neither of the two would ever have admitted that fact.

Abbey decided that she would get Zoey out of her very miserable mood. “Hey, Zoe, before you start another, you want to open a present?” she offered.

Zoey paused and stood still, her mouth gaping at her mother’s proposal. “Are you serious?” she asked. Abbey hardly ever allowed the girls to open presents early, and Zoey was shocked that the suggestion.

Jed was likewise surprised. “Yeah, are you serious?” he asked his wife.

“Yes.” Abbey said. Then, motioning to the tree she pointed out a gift, “How about the one in the gold foil?”

Zoey leapt toward the tree excitedly. “Awesome.” she cried happily.

“What about me?” Jed asked.

Abbey rolled her eyes. “Forget about it.” she told her husband. “I’m trying to cheer Zoey up, not you.”

“Damn it.” Jed swore.

Zoey sat on the floor in front of her parents and began tearing at the wrapping paper. As she unveiled the box beneath the festive paper, she squealed in delight. “New Uggs!”

Abbey smiled as Zoey laughed aloud and jumped up to put her new boots on. As soon as her feet were covered she jumped into her mothers lap and kissed and hugged her. Abbey laughed as Jed struggled next to them both and tried to escape the embrace. “I take it you like them.” Abbey said dryly.

“I love them!” Zoey said. “Thank you so much, mom! I knew you’d come through.” Zoey sighed happily. “Chestnut colored Uggs. Just like I wanted.” Abbey laughed aloud at Zoey’s next statement, “Now, dad, did you get that purse I asked for?”

“Can we just play the game, please?” Jed asked.

“Sure.” Zoey said. “Now that I have my new boots, my Wii luck is going to change.”


Later that night, Abbey lay lifeless atop the bed with her arms outstretched. “I ache all over.” She groaned into her pillow.

“I can’t move my arms.” Jed complained.

“I can’t feel my legs.” Abbey groaned.

Jed chuckled. “Ordinarily when we talk like this in bed its because we have just had hot animal sex.”

“Yeah well that’s probably why they got that video game console for us to begin with.” Abbey said. “So we’d stop having sex.”

“That’ll never happen.” Jed assured her.

“Then again…” Abbey turned over to face him, “with my continued use of the yoga on the Wii fit I will be more agile.”

“Ooh I like that!” Jed grinned. “Plus our bodies will get used to the torture that those games incur and then we’ll be in even better shape and we’ll probably have more sex because of it.”

“Yep.” Abbey agreed. “They have no idea what kind of favor they have done us.”

“Should we thank Liz?” Jed laughed.

“Only if we thank Zoey too.” Abbey smiled. “Oh…” Abbey sighed. “I love that Wii Fit so much I could kiss Santa for bringing it to me.” she smiled.

Jed stretched out leisurly beside her with a mischievous grin. “You know, darlin, I once dressed up like Santa Claus, so since he’s not here-”

He was cut off when Abbey’s soft lips swept across his own. She pulled away and laid her head on his shoulder and snuggled deep into his embrace. “Thank you Santa.” Jed mumbled, as he pulled her closer and she chuckled as his hands began to sneak beneath her nightgown.


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